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On Dojo Challenge there are 3 different scales that you can level up and receive different points. You can receive the points in 2 different ways.

  • After each challenge is completed correctly, you will receive DojoCode points. For each challenge, the points can be seen in the status bar. In this way, you can see before starting the challenge how many points each problem is worth. After the challenge is completed, your score can be seen in the notifications section.
  • Another way you can earn points is to participate in contests. Depending on the place you win after the contest, you get points.
1st place500 points
2st place100 points
3st place50 points

If you still manage to finish the competition in the allotted time but did not get a place from 1,2 or 3, you will receive 10 points.

The total score, which is the sum of all scores, can be seen in the Leaderboard, where you’ll find a list of all users and their scores. In this way, you can see a list of users and their level points.

On the Leaderboard, you will find the rank number, the username, team of the user and the score number (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1

When you upload the solution and finish a challenge, you will get a message in the notification that will inform you of the number of points you received and a congrats message. (Fig 2.)

Fig. 2

There are different methods by which you can receive bonuses. Bonuses are points that you can accumulate by solving or doing certain requirements.


Bonus Points:

  • Earn 20 points by solving a challenge that hasn't been rated for difficulty yet.
  • Be among the first 3 users to rate a challenge's difficulty and earn an additional 20 points.


Tip: If you solve an unrated challenge and then rate its difficulty, you can instantly earn a total of 40 bonus points!