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Viewing solution

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On the Solutions page, you will find your solution, author's, and all solutions from the other users that solved this challenge. You can compare your solution with other solutions, or help less experienced users. You can sort the solutions by the newest, oldest, or most liked and least liked. (Fig. 1)

Fig. 1

All the correct submissions to the challenge are visible on the platform, so you can explore others' work. The algorithm automatically groups similar solutions and displays them as one on the platform.

Fig. 2

You can leave feedback such as likes or comments on other solutions, and you will receive notifications when other users comment on your solution. You can share the solution with others, and if you access "View Group" you will see all the individual solutions from a group of solutions. (Fig. 2)


  • After each submission, on the solutions page, you can share your feedback, the scale is on 5 levels, in this way you can share your satisfaction rate. (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3